A few things first


  • Send me paying opportunities.
  • Tell me when my work speaks to you.
  • Share ideas for interesting science and nature stories.


  • Ask me for free labor.
  • Send me press releases or story ideas that aren’t exclusives.
  • Tell me you found a typo in my work. I can’t do anything about it.

Please send comments, questions, and other correspondence for me to my assistant.

Reach them at assistant (at) rebecca-renner.com.

All Things Gator Country

Publicity inquiries regarding Gator Country should be addressed to Christopher Smith and Claire McLaughlin at Flatiron Books:

christopher.smith (at) flatironbooks.com

claire.mclaughlin (at) flatironbooks.com

Marketing and social media inquiries, including ARC requests from influencers, should be addressed to Katherine Turro at Flatiron Books:

katherine.turro (at) flatironbooks.com

Booking requests for speaking engagements should be addressed to Andrew Wetzel at Lyceum Agency:

andrew (at) lyceumagency.com

For TV and movie rights, contact Dana Spector at Creative Artists Agency.

All other inquiries should be sent to Julia Eagleton at Janklow & Nesbit.

gator country book cover

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